Growthpoint Properties Sundowner 2024
Page 23 of 25 (1244 items)
Rotate for splits
FavPosRace NoNameNameTimeTimeCat Pos
(Gen Pos)
CategoryCat PosGenderGen PosClubFinish
312Monique BRYNARDMonique BRYNARD #312
Female Senior
Female 40-49
Not startedNot started40-49Female
156Shelby ANDREWShelby ANDREW #156
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemale
2245Rushni APPOORushni APPOO #2245
Female 40-49
Not startedNot started40-49FemaleSPARTAN HARRIERS
229Nikki BESTERNikki BESTER #229
Female 40-49
Not startedNot started40-49FemaleEDGEMEAD RUNNING CLUB
195Elizabeth BARRATT-GIBSONElizabeth BARRATT-GIBSON #195
Female 60-69
Not startedNot started60-69FemaleTEAM VITALITY CGA
460Bilqees DAVIDSBilqees DAVIDS #460
Female 40-49
Not startedNot started40-49Female
2098Rasheeda DAVIDSRasheeda DAVIDS #2098
Female 40-49
Not startedNot started40-49FemaleKENFAC SAC
2097Makkia DA COSTAMakkia DA COSTA #2097
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemale
433Charlene DA SILVACharlene DA SILVA #433
Female 40-49
Not startedNot started40-49FemaleTEAM VITALITY WESTERN PROVINCE
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemaleSPARTAN HARRIERS
412Annika COSKEYAnnika COSKEY #412
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemale
387Lauren CLOETELauren CLOETE #387
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemale
383Sarah CLARKESarah CLARKE #383
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemale
563Polly DRYDENPolly DRYDEN #563
Female 60-69
Not startedNot started60-69FemaleCENTURY CITY ATHLETICS CLUB
568Anelle DU PLESSISAnelle DU PLESSIS #568
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemale
572Helen DU PLESSISHelen DU PLESSIS #572
Female 70+
Not startedNot started70+FemaleBRACKENFELL ATHLETICS CLUB
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemaleTEAM VITALITY WESTERN PROVINCE
550Nomakhaya DLOVANomakhaya DLOVA #550
Female 40-49
Not startedNot started40-49Female
2297Mariam DOMINGOMariam DOMINGO #2297
Female 40-49
Not startedNot started40-49FemaleBRIMSTONE ITHEKO ATHLETIC CLUB
537Kadiatou DIALLOKadiatou DIALLO #537
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemale
524Lisa DEMPERSLisa DEMPERS #524
Female 40-49
Not startedNot started40-49Female
482Shena DE BEERShena DE BEER #482
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemaleDURBANVILLE ATHLETIC CLUB
493Rosaline DE OLIVEIRARosaline DE OLIVEIRA #493
Female 50-59
Not startedNot started50-59Female
517Jemma DE WETJemma DE WET #517
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemaleDURBANVILLE ATHLETIC CLUB
508Anneke DE VRIESAnneke DE VRIES #508
Female 40-49
Not startedNot started40-49FemaleBELLVILLE AC
498Michaela DE SOUSAMichaela DE SOUSA #498
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemale
2126Seugnet DE VILLIERSSeugnet DE VILLIERS #2126
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemaleATLANTIC TRIATHLON CLUB
2089Ninia DE VOGELNinia DE VOGEL #2089
Female 40-49
Not startedNot started40-49Female
1406Milisa NGWANEMilisa NGWANE #1406
Female 50-59
1407Hloni NHLAPOHloni NHLAPO #1407
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemale
1408Alice NHONGOAlice NHONGO #1408
Female 40-49
Not startedNot started40-49Female
1397Candida NELCandida NEL #1397
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemale
2108Carley NAUSCHUTZCarley NAUSCHUTZ #2108
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemale
1433Diane OBREEDiane OBREE #1433
Female 40-49
Not startedNot started40-49Female
2080Bronwyn Lee O'DONOGHUEBronwyn Lee O'DONOGHUE #2080
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemale
1412Nonhlanhla NKOSINonhlanhla NKOSI #1412
Female 40-49
Not startedNot started40-49FemaleCENTURY CITY ATHLETICS CLUB
1413Vuyisile NKOSIVuyisile NKOSI #1413
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemale
1461Lehani OOSTHUIZENLehani OOSTHUIZEN #1461
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemaleVODACOM STRIDERS WP
1452Quanita OMERQuanita OMER #1452
Female 70+
Not startedNot started70+FemaleSPARTAN HARRIERS
1454Marilyn ONTONGMarilyn ONTONG #1454
Female 50-59
Not startedNot started50-59FemaleARD ATHLETIC CLUB
1448Kathleen OLMESDAHLKathleen OLMESDAHL #1448
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemaleTOTALSPORTS VOB ATHLETIC CLUB
1500Eustacia PATHEREustacia PATHER #1500
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemale
1263Laetitia MEYERLaetitia MEYER #1263
Female 40-49
Not startedNot started40-49FemaleTEAM VITALITY WESTERN PROVINCE
1272Petro MILLERPetro MILLER #1272
Female 50-59
Not startedNot started50-59FemaleBRACKENFELL ATHLETICS CLUB
1319Tania MORARTania MORAR #1319
Female 50-59
Not startedNot started50-59Female
2392Darrel MORRISDarrel MORRIS #2392
Female 60-69
Not startedNot started60-69Female
1285Shelly MOGALEShelly MOGALE #1285
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemaleCELTIC HARRIERS
1293Ayanda MOHOLIAyanda MOHOLI #1293
Female Senior
Not startedNot startedSeniorFemale
1375Lyn MUZONDOLyn MUZONDO #1375
Female 40-49
Not startedNot started40-49FemaleMETROPOLITAN ATHLETIC CLUB
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