Midmar Mile
Page 61 of 66 (3294 items)
Rotate for splits
PosRace NoNameNameTimeTimeCat Pos
(Gen Pos)
CategoryCat PosGenderGen Pos
6402Peter COMBESPeter COMBES #6402
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
6598Willem CRONJEWillem CRONJE #6598
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
6674Kevin BEASLEYKevin BEASLEY #6674
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
6675Linda PATTINSONLinda PATTINSON #6675
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
6702Tamaryn PETERSENTamaryn PETERSEN #6702
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
6709Marna PRETORIUSMarna PRETORIUS #6709
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
6724Elize CRAUSEElize CRAUSE #6724
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
6772Devon BARRETTDevon BARRETT #6772
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
6808Charmain BARKHUIZENCharmain BARKHUIZEN #6808
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
6866Charlotte CROWTHERCharlotte CROWTHER #6866
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
7010Pieter CONRADIEPieter CONRADIE #7010
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7018Nicholas BEDDINGTONNicholas BEDDINGTON #7018
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7067Justin ROSSJustin ROSS #7067
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7074Ester RADEMANEster RADEMAN #7074
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
7075Pierre RUSTPierre RUST #7075
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7101Emile ROSSOUWEmile ROSSOUW #7101
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7124Corinne RIBBENSCorinne RIBBENS #7124
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
7145Kerryn ROBERTSONKerryn ROBERTSON #7145
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
7164Marie RIBEIROMarie RIBEIRO #7164
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
7182Marise ROWANMarise ROWAN #7182
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
7206Debbie FARNABYDebbie FARNABY #7206
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
7259Gaston FORGETGaston FORGET #7259
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7375Greg GILLINGSGreg GILLINGS #7375
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7520Kirstin GOSLINGKirstin GOSLING #7520
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
7535Tamsin FREEMANTLETamsin FREEMANTLE #7535
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
7539Tyler FRENCHTyler FRENCH #7539
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7570Malcolm HARDINGMalcolm HARDING #7570
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7587Michael FRADEMichael FRADE #7587
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7608Lara GRENFELLLara GRENFELL #7608
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
7609Natacia TEIXEIRANatacia TEIXEIRA #7609
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
7611Dale TUCKDale TUCK #7611
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7660Michael HUGHESMichael HUGHES #7660
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7678Charmaine DUVENAGECharmaine DUVENAGE #7678
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
7712Dawie HORNDawie HORN #7712
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7721Glynn HarborthGlynn Harborth #7721
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7739Nico SMITNico SMIT #7739
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7845Serge SOLOMONSSerge SOLOMONS #7845
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7866Simon WEARESimon WEARE #7866
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7908Gavin Dion DOUBELLGavin Dion DOUBELL #7908
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7933Shaun Carl THIELEShaun Carl THIELE #7933
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7949Beverly SAMPSONBeverly SAMPSON #7949
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
7960Allistair DIDLOFFAllistair DIDLOFF #7960
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7967Adrian DICKINSONAdrian DICKINSON #7967
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
7973Christopher JONESChristopher JONES #7973
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
8001Marlize JOUBERTMarlize JOUBERT #8001
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
8005Clifford LYNEClifford LYNE #8005
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
8153Frank Martin KATZFrank Martin KATZ #8153
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
8179Maryna WASSERFALLMaryna WASSERFALL #8179
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
8183Juan-luis DE PONTEJuan-luis DE PONTE #8183
Male All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesMale
Female All Ages
Not startedNot startedAll AgesFemale
Page 61 of 66 (3294 items)