Ebenezer Mile
Page 1 of 2 (85 items)
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FavSharePosRace NoNameNameTimeGenderGen PosCategoryCat Pos
11513Felix OLIVIERFelix OLIVIER #513
Male All Ages
00:08:26Male1All Ages1
Female All Ages
00:13:15Female1All Ages1
33509Quinn JACKSONQuinn JACKSON #509
Male All Ages
00:13:38Male2All Ages2
44300Louis LANGELouis LANGE #300
Male All Ages
00:13:54Male3All Ages3
55163Elia JONESElia JONES #163
Female All Ages
00:14:08Female2All Ages2
66162Mika JONESMika JONES #162
Female All Ages
00:14:08Female3All Ages3
77258Tallen SMITTallen SMIT #258
Male All Ages
00:14:17Male4All Ages4
88274Nicholas BOYUMNicholas BOYUM #274
Male All Ages
00:14:28Male5All Ages5
99278Oliver ADAMSOliver ADAMS #278
Male All Ages
00:14:46Male6All Ages6
1010230Luca GRAFLuca GRAF #230
Male All Ages
00:14:52Male7All Ages7
1111254Juleen DE KLERKJuleen DE KLERK #254
Female All Ages
00:15:05Female4All Ages4
Male All Ages
00:15:22Male8All Ages8
1313255Nj DE KLERKNj DE KLERK #255
Male All Ages
00:15:22Male9All Ages9
1414253Ruben DE KLERKRuben DE KLERK #253
Male All Ages
00:15:23Male10All Ages10
151556Andrea WIGGILLAndrea WIGGILL #56
Female All Ages
00:15:34Female5All Ages5
1616515Katrien PRINSLOOKatrien PRINSLOO #515
Female All Ages
00:15:35Female6All Ages6
1717260Lorraine OOSTHUIZENLorraine OOSTHUIZEN #260
Female All Ages
00:15:39Female7All Ages7
1818502Sven BLACKINGSven BLACKING #502
Male All Ages
00:15:40Male11All Ages11
1919501Valentine BLACKINGValentine BLACKING #501
Male All Ages
00:15:44Male12All Ages12
2020210Amukelani GAVENIAmukelani GAVENI #210
Male All Ages
00:15:57Male13All Ages13
2121280Patrick MCHUGHPatrick MCHUGH #280
Male All Ages
00:15:58Male14All Ages14
2222217Sheanesli KIRIMISheanesli KIRIMI #217
Male All Ages
00:16:09Male15All Ages15
Male All Ages
00:16:14Male16All Ages16
2424282Christopher JONESChristopher JONES #282
Male All Ages
00:16:21Male17All Ages17
2525231Kalli GRAFKalli GRAF #231
Female All Ages
00:16:24Female8All Ages8
2626204Erik VAN DER WALTErik VAN DER WALT #204
Male All Ages
00:16:32Male18All Ages18
2727518Susan WOODSusan WOOD #518
Female All Ages
00:16:50Female9All Ages9
2828512Willem MARTINWillem MARTIN #512
Male All Ages
00:17:01Male19All Ages19
2929172Gabriel DALYGabriel DALY #172
Male All Ages
00:17:19Male20All Ages20
3030183Mark SOALMark SOAL #183
Male All Ages
00:17:22Male21All Ages21
3131238Jake SHEMMERJake SHEMMER #238
Male All Ages
00:17:23Male22All Ages22
3232157Klara BOTHA-NELKlara BOTHA-NEL #157
Female All Ages
00:17:25Female10All Ages10
3333206Christine MANAChristine MANA #206
Female All Ages
00:17:29Female11All Ages11
3434290Dave TASKERDave TASKER #290
Male All Ages
00:17:42Male23All Ages23
3535273Toby TASKENToby TASKEN #273
Male All Ages
00:17:43Male24All Ages24
363691Benjamin MATTHISBenjamin MATTHIS #91
Male All Ages
00:17:49Male25All Ages25
373734Jeanne MATTHISJeanne MATTHIS #34
Female All Ages
00:17:51Female12All Ages12
3838505Leila BRUMMERLeila BRUMMER #505
Female All Ages
00:18:36Female13All Ages13
3939256Christa SNYMANChrista SNYMAN #256
Female All Ages
00:18:52Female14All Ages14
4040283Thabil KMZUCYUThabil KMZUCYU #283
Male All Ages
00:19:14Male26All Ages26
4141158Jenny GALLOPJenny GALLOP #158
Female All Ages
00:19:36Female15All Ages15
4242239Kelly TALYORKelly TALYOR #239
Female All Ages
00:19:37Female16All Ages16
4343156Cordi BOTHACordi BOTHA #156
Female All Ages
00:20:02Female17All Ages17
4444285Charlie SCOITECharlie SCOITE #285
Male All Ages
00:20:42Male27All Ages27
4545175Mitchelle KHOZAMitchelle KHOZA #175
Male All Ages
00:22:11Male28All Ages28
4646237Molly SHEMMERMolly SHEMMER #237
Female All Ages
00:22:15Female18All Ages18
4747192Bailey NONEBailey NONE #192
Male All Ages
00:22:24Male29All Ages29
4848517Cody VILJOENCody VILJOEN #517
Male All Ages
00:22:25Male30All Ages30
4949191Megan NONEMegan NONE #191
Female All Ages
00:22:26Female19All Ages19
5050510Duke JACKSONDuke JACKSON #510
Male All Ages
00:22:30Male31All Ages31
Page 1 of 2 (85 items)