Riebeek Valley MTB & Trail Run
Page 1 of 2 (69 items)
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FavSharePosRace NoNameNameTimeGenderGen PosCategoryCat PosFinish
11889Anton FAROAAnton FAROA #889
Male All Ages
01:16:43Male1All Ages1
22908Jakob VOLMOERJakob VOLMOER #908
Male All Ages
01:16:47Male2All Ages2
33890Nico RUSSOUWNico RUSSOUW #890
Male All Ages
01:26:29Male3All Ages3
44899Erik BARTMANNErik BARTMANN #899
Male All Ages
01:32:03Male4All Ages4
55859Charmaine ROSSOUWCharmaine ROSSOUW #859
Female All Ages
01:32:36Female1All Ages1
66874Marietjie KOHNMarietjie KOHN #874
Female All Ages
01:34:27Female2All Ages2
77857Johann VAN NIEKERKJohann VAN NIEKERK #857
Male All Ages
01:36:08Male5All Ages5
88903Andries OLIVIERAndries OLIVIER #903
Male All Ages
01:37:42Male6All Ages6
99900Danie DU PREEZDanie DU PREEZ #900
Male All Ages
01:39:20Male7All Ages7
1010850Heinrich HATTINGHHeinrich HATTINGH #850
Male All Ages
01:39:23Male8All Ages8
1111856Stephani VAN NIEKERKStephani VAN NIEKERK #856
Female All Ages
01:41:54Female3All Ages3
1212902Anja COETZEEAnja COETZEE #902
Female All Ages
01:44:19Female4All Ages4
Female All Ages
01:44:45Female5All Ages5
1414864Janette KEUNJanette KEUN #864
Female All Ages
01:44:50Female6All Ages6
1515878Gielie LAUBSCHERGielie LAUBSCHER #878
Male All Ages
01:50:36Male9All Ages9
1616860Avril Roston Dennis ISAACSAvril Roston Dennis ISAACS #860
Male All Ages
01:51:01Male10All Ages10
1717893Gaylian SWARTSGaylian SWARTS #893
Male All Ages
01:51:10Male11All Ages11
1818887Jenita DU PLESSISJenita DU PLESSIS #887
Female All Ages
01:52:44Female7All Ages7
1919882Jaco ROELOFSEJaco ROELOFSE #882
Male All Ages
01:53:33Male12All Ages12
2020892Marinda BRIERSMarinda BRIERS #892
Female All Ages
01:54:20Female8All Ages8
Male All Ages
01:54:54Male13All Ages13
2222909Errol CUNNAMAErrol CUNNAMA #909
Male All Ages
01:56:03Male14All Ages14
2323881Carina NELCarina NEL #881
Female All Ages
01:57:14Female9All Ages9
2424879Attie LOUWAttie LOUW #879
Male All Ages
01:57:17Male15All Ages15
2525910Evert GROBBELAAREvert GROBBELAAR #910
Male All Ages
01:59:25Male16All Ages16
2626861Marlise ROBBERTZEMarlise ROBBERTZE #861
Female All Ages
02:05:46Female10All Ages10
2727875Dean SNYDERSDean SNYDERS #875
Male All Ages
02:05:48Male17All Ages17
2828897Neel P. GANPATNeel P. GANPAT #897
Male All Ages
02:06:44Male18All Ages18
2929888Elvera SCHWANElvera SCHWAN #888
Female All Ages
02:09:22Female11All Ages11
3030901Elanie KUHNElanie KUHN #901
Female All Ages
02:10:14Female12All Ages12
3131751Charne BIERMANNCharne BIERMANN #751
Female All Ages
02:11:29Female13All Ages13
3232885Deliana BOSHOFFDeliana BOSHOFF #885
Female All Ages
02:12:00Female14All Ages14
3333896Jethro ERASMUSJethro ERASMUS #896
Male All Ages
02:12:25Male19All Ages19
3434868Amanda LE ROUXAmanda LE ROUX #868
Female All Ages
02:14:38Female15All Ages15
3535873De Wit COETSEEDe Wit COETSEE #873
Male All Ages
02:15:41Male20All Ages20
3636872Charlotte COETSEECharlotte COETSEE #872
Female All Ages
02:15:43Female16All Ages16
3737886Cathy ALISONCathy ALISON #886
Female All Ages
02:16:14Female17All Ages17
3838898Belinda PRESTAGEBelinda PRESTAGE #898
Female All Ages
02:17:04Female18All Ages18
3939867Paula VAN DER MERWEPaula VAN DER MERWE #867
Female All Ages
02:17:17Female19All Ages19
4040855Chene JACOBSChene JACOBS #855
Female All Ages
02:17:29Female20All Ages20
4141895Darylline ERASMUSDarylline ERASMUS #895
Female All Ages
02:18:15Female21All Ages21
4242869Isabel STEENKAMPIsabel STEENKAMP #869
Female All Ages
02:30:41Female22All Ages22
4343871Erica MENDESErica MENDES #871
Female All Ages
02:30:51Female23All Ages23
4444852Danie THERONDanie THERON #852
Male All Ages
02:32:51Male21All Ages21
4545853Danelle SWANEPOELDanelle SWANEPOEL #853
Female All Ages
02:34:19Female24All Ages24
4646880Henry Stewart STOLSHenry Stewart STOLS #880
Male All Ages
02:34:21Male22All Ages22
4747858Theresa VERMEULENTheresa VERMEULEN #858
Female All Ages
02:34:31Female25All Ages25
4848851Elzabé MEIRINGElzabé MEIRING #851
Female All Ages
02:36:30Female26All Ages26
4949883Kallie SKIPPERSKallie SKIPPERS #883
Male All Ages
02:36:43Male23All Ages23
5050876Sharon CALITZSharon CALITZ #876
Female All Ages
02:49:13Female27All Ages27
Page 1 of 2 (69 items)