Munyaka Open Water Swim Series
Page 1 of 3 (121 items)
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FavSharePosChip NumberBody MarkNameNameTimeGenderGen PosCategoryCat Pos0,5km1,0km1,5km
1127140Matthew CALDWELLMatthew CALDWELL #27
Male All Ages
00:18:18Male1All Ages100:06:0800:06:0500:06:04
22188188Bernard WOLFAARDTBernard WOLFAARDT #188
Male All Ages
00:18:49Male2All Ages200:06:1000:06:2200:06:16
33183183Muhammed ADAMMuhammed ADAM #183
Male All Ages
00:19:26Male3All Ages300:06:1500:06:3600:06:35
44189134Megan SHEPHERDMegan SHEPHERD #189
Female All Ages
00:20:28Female1All Ages100:06:3900:06:5700:06:50
55176136Dylan KEULDERDylan KEULDER #176
Male All Ages
00:20:53Male4All Ages400:06:5800:06:5400:07:00
66196196Jordan HARRISONJordan HARRISON #196
Male All Ages
00:21:19Male5All Ages500:06:5900:07:1100:07:07
77174174Hannah ANDRAOSHannah ANDRAOS #174
Female All Ages
00:21:23Female2All Ages200:07:0400:07:1400:07:05
88162162Scarlett LE ROUXScarlett LE ROUX #162
Female All Ages
00:21:29Female3All Ages300:07:0700:07:1300:07:08
99173173Carter MARKGRAAFFCarter MARKGRAAFF #173
Male All Ages
00:21:31Male6All Ages600:07:0200:07:1900:07:09
1010175175Trevor BOTHATrevor BOTHA #175
Male All Ages
00:22:12Male7All Ages700:07:1600:07:2800:07:27
1111163163Tannah LINDSAYTannah LINDSAY #163
Female All Ages
00:22:21Female4All Ages400:07:1300:07:3200:07:35
12127676Stephen WARDStephen WARD #76
Male All Ages
00:22:50Male8All Ages800:07:3300:07:4000:07:37
1313166166Alex ROYAlex ROY #166
Male All Ages
00:23:00Male9All Ages900:07:3600:07:4300:07:40
1414198198Junior MOTHUSIEMANGJunior MOTHUSIEMANG #198
Male All Ages
00:23:08Male10All Ages1000:07:3600:07:4600:07:45
151536106Abigale MEINEKEAbigale MEINEKE #36
Female All Ages
00:23:12Female5All Ages500:07:3800:07:4700:07:46
1616178178Owen HARDINGOwen HARDING #178
Male All Ages
00:23:35Male11All Ages1100:07:4900:07:5000:07:56
1717191191Andre VAN DER MERWEAndre VAN DER MERWE #191
Male All Ages
00:24:03Male12All Ages1200:07:4600:08:1300:08:03
18184545Cullen GREYLINGCullen GREYLING #45
Male All Ages
00:24:17Male13All Ages1300:07:5600:08:1400:08:06
19199696Jason KOKJason KOK #96
Male All Ages
00:24:22Male14All Ages1400:07:4300:08:1900:08:19
2020170170Cyan SEARLECyan SEARLE #170
Male All Ages
00:24:49Male15All Ages1500:08:0000:08:2400:08:24
2121167167Taylia SMITHTaylia SMITH #167
Female All Ages
00:24:51Female6All Ages600:08:0400:08:2500:08:21
22224343Anthony GREYLINGAnthony GREYLING #43
Male All Ages
00:24:54Male16All Ages1600:08:0800:08:2200:08:23
23239797Eva DAL CINEva DAL CIN #97
Female All Ages
00:24:56Female7All Ages700:08:0100:08:2600:08:28
2424180180Justin BELINGJustin BELING #180
Male All Ages
00:24:57Male17All Ages1700:08:1100:08:1900:08:26
25253232Francois DU TOITFrancois DU TOIT #32
Male All Ages
00:25:09Male18All Ages1800:08:2300:08:4100:08:04
Male All Ages
00:25:19Male19All Ages1900:08:0900:08:3200:08:37
27274242Layla BARBER-LUNALayla BARBER-LUNA #42
Female All Ages
00:26:15Female8All Ages800:08:5400:08:5100:08:29
2828182182Aimee VAN DER MERWEAimee VAN DER MERWE #182
Female All Ages
00:26:16Female9All Ages900:08:5300:08:5000:08:31
29298181John GLOVERJohn GLOVER #81
Male All Ages
00:26:19Male20All Ages2000:08:3300:08:5500:08:50
3030165165Morgan MAREEMorgan MAREE #165
Female All Ages
00:26:26Female10All Ages1000:08:5600:08:4800:08:40
31317878Ella-Jane JOHNSONElla-Jane JOHNSON #78
Female All Ages
00:26:30Female11All Ages1100:08:5300:08:4800:08:48
32329090Conroy SMITHConroy SMITH #90
Male All Ages
00:26:36Male21All Ages2100:08:2200:08:5900:09:15
33336666Ethan HEYSTEKEthan HEYSTEK #66
Male All Ages
00:26:42Male22All Ages2200:08:2800:09:1900:08:54
34341919Lillee EVANS Lillee EVANS #19
Female All Ages
00:26:48Female12All Ages1200:08:4700:09:0700:08:53
35359595Mark MC HUGHMark MC HUGH #95
Male All Ages
00:26:53Male23All Ages2300:08:5000:09:0700:08:55
36365959Zoe STEYNZoe STEYN #59
Female All Ages
00:26:55Female13All Ages1300:08:5600:08:5800:09:00
37376565Caitlin DE BEERCaitlin DE BEER #65
Female All Ages
00:27:01Female14All Ages1400:08:4400:09:0800:09:08
3838200200Francois GROBLERFrancois GROBLER #200
Male All Ages
00:27:36Male24All Ages2400:09:1000:09:2100:09:05
3939193193Lerato MOLOBYELerato MOLOBYE #193
Female All Ages
00:27:39Female15All Ages1500:09:0300:09:1300:09:23
40407171Zavier GOUVEIAZavier GOUVEIA #71
Male All Ages
00:27:40Male25All Ages2500:09:0800:09:2300:09:08
41418484Jean COETZERJean COETZER #84
Male All Ages
00:27:45Male26All Ages2600:09:1200:09:2200:09:11
42426363Georgia IVINSGeorgia IVINS #63
Female All Ages
00:28:42Female16All Ages1600:09:2900:09:3400:09:39
43435858Kian COETZEE Kian COETZEE #58
Male All Ages
00:28:44Male27All Ages2700:09:1800:09:3600:09:48
4444172172Aiden BOSMANAiden BOSMAN #172
Male All Ages
00:28:46Male28All Ages2800:09:4000:09:3200:09:33
45459494Zaibaa BAWAZaibaa BAWA #94
Female All Ages
00:28:48Female17All Ages1700:09:3000:09:4000:09:37
4646192192Paiton VAN DER MERWEPaiton VAN DER MERWE #192
Female All Ages
00:29:01Female18All Ages1800:09:5200:09:3400:09:35
4747187187Eugene OBRIENEugene OBRIEN #187
Male All Ages
00:29:12Male29All Ages2900:09:4400:09:4400:09:44
49494141Amy VAN DE PUTTEAmy VAN DE PUTTE #41
Female All Ages
00:29:32Female19All Ages1900:09:4600:09:5400:09:52
50506969Jayden COOPERJayden COOPER #69
Male All Ages
00:29:46Male31All Ages3100:09:4100:09:5200:10:12
5151197156Hayley HODNETTHayley HODNETT #197
Female All Ages
00:29:53Female20All Ages2000:09:3500:10:0800:10:08
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