Euro Steel Drak Descent
FavPosRace NoShareNameNameTimeTimeCat Pos
(Gen Pos)
CategoryCat PosGenderGen PosTeam TypeTeamWaveStage 1Stage 2Stage 3
Greg PorrittGreg Porritt #9465
Male All Ages
Started and runningStarted and runningAll AgesMaleWave 107:58:5700:00:00

SplitTimeAccumulative Positions (from start)Split Positions (from prev. split or leg)
From StartPrev LegPrev SplitTime of DayOverallCategoryGenderOverallCategoryGender
Stage 107:58:5707:58:5707:58:5707:58:57975659
Stage 207:58:5700:00:0000:00:0007:58:57965558
Stage 3

Page 3 of 3 (101 items)
FavPosRace NoShareNameNameTimeTimeCat Pos
(Gen Pos)
CategoryCat PosGenderGen PosTeam TypeTeamWaveStage 1Stage 2Stage 3
Gary HillGary Hill #9630
Male All Ages
Started and runningStarted and runningAll AgesMaleWave 102:48:00
Page 3 of 3 (101 items)